Ok, for those who haven't heard yet, Alexis is in the hospital at Kaiser Fontana. She woke up this morning (Mon.) not feeling good and throwing up. Amber took her to the doctor this afternoon to get her checked out. They checked her out and did a urinalysis and said she had flu like symptoms and sent them home. They were about half way home when the doctor called amber and said to come back. Her blood sugar was high. Amber got back to the doctor's office and they drew blood on Alexis and her blood sugar was 390...which is very high. Amber and her mom met with Lexi's doctor and a endocrinologist...they said they wanted to admit her. They then said that she has juvenile diabetes and will be in the hospital for around 3 days. The blood sugar did come down and they gave her 2 shots of insulin. She is not happy to be at the hospital since they were supposed to go to San Diego tomorrow for the rest of the week since Hailey is on spring break. We are doing everything we can to keep her happy and make this into a "fun" event for her. She looks fine to me but i know things are not fine inside. We are holding up ok.
At one point she looked at me and amber and said "I don't want to be sick anymore"...it was all I could do to keep from crying...I'm doing all I can to stay strong in front of her and not upset her. That is a hard thing to do when you know your little girl is sick and there is nothing you can do to help her...I think I'm over the initial shock of the events. Larry is staying with her tonight. Tammy will be there in the morning. Amber will go back after she gets off work and I will go back after work and stay the night with her Tuesday night. Thank you to all that have called and please remember to keep her in your prayers. I will send updates as often as I can.