A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well. Proverbs 25:26
How many times I have faltered in the middle of the battle. Solomon, through the leading of the Spirit of God captures in one line of type the perfect picture of me when God gives me an opportunity and I falter.
Having begun my cowboy career in the Sonoran Desert of Southeastern Arizona, I know what it is to be dry. There is a keen disappointment one feels when you ride miles out of your way to get a drink at a seep you know about a few canyons away only to find that the cattle have been there first and tromped it to oblivion. You get off your horse, get down on your knees and begin to look for where the water is exiting the earth. There is muddy water everywhere but if you lucky somewhere in the brown soup you find this little rivulet of clear water making its way to the surface. Hopefully there is enough so that you can position you lips carefully over the opening that the clear water makes in the murky muddy slop, and while avoiding the other things the cattle have dropped in your way, you carefully suck in the thirst quenching, life giving water.
As a righteous individual, I have the privilege of being a source of God’s fresh, pure water of life. When the moment comes to speak a word for my Lord I must be clear and precise and without hesitation or the water becomes murky and polluted and without benefit for the thirsty soul.
Lord, how many times I have faltered before the wicked. I pray that today I will be prepared and alert and a source of the pure water of life.
Brothers let me encourage you to do whatever it takes to be prepared for the battle today; the water you have to offer is precious, don’t falter!
Your brother Jack
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