The job of the evangelist is not done until the evangelized becomes the evangelist.
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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:16-17 KJVR

Evangelism is nothing more than one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Brothers building Brothers

And such were some of you.  But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.  1Corinthians 6:11

In my reading this morning I was once again struck by the completeness of Christ’s work on my behalf.  How is it that I can claim any credit for any part of my salvation?  The first phrase of the verse refers me back to a description of what I was without Christ and it isn’t pretty.  However time after time when I give the Gospel the individual insists that; “I’m not that bad I’m just like everyone else”.  Why is it that as long as we’re talking large numbers of people it makes sin OK?  If I remember correctly God destroyed the entire population of the earth minus eight because of sin and his holiness and justice hasn’t changed since Noah’s time.

I want so much to be able to convince people that just because everyone else is doing it, the consequences are not mitigated.  And many times I am tempted to do the convicting myself.  But just like the washing, the sanctifying and the justifying in the verse above, the convicting is of God also.  I can be direct, clear and unambiguous but without the Spirit’s work the person will nod their head in agreement and walk into an eternity without Christ.

But O what joy when you see the light come on and the person realizes for the first time that they are hopelessly lost and in an act of desperate self preservation they reach out to Jesus.  Then God washes them and sanctifies them and justifies them and the process begins all over again.

Share the Gospel today!
Your brother Jack

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